Lutheran Congregations and institutions of Amsterdam

In 1588 the Lutheran congregation of Amsterdam was founded. The oldest church of the congregation is the Old Lutheran Church on the Spui, built 1633.

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2022 - Commemoration 250-years of the Lutherse Diaconiehuis Amsterdam

Frontside of the Wittenberg-building, above: the all-seeing eye of God and text. Reverse: Ornament with four weaponshields for: monument, museum, hotel and coat of arms of Amsterdam. In the middle: Weapen of Martin Luther, the Lutherrose. Under: Logo of the Lutheran Church and Diaconie of Amsterdam. Design: Daniëlle van Ark Executed by Royal Dutch Mint Ordered by OMVH Limited edition 250 Silver, 35 mm

1998, Harry Cornelis Donga

1998, Harry Cornelis Donga, 25 years minister of the Evangelical-Lutheran congregation of Amsterdam: pulpit with bible: Jes 55:10&11, and 2 Cor 5: 19&20, reverse: garland: Evangelisch Lutherse Gemeente Amsterdam, Harry C. Donga, april 1973 – 1998, Lucas 19: 28-40. Reverend Donga was pastor of the Lutheran congregation from 1973-2008. Medallist: Chris van der Hoef, silver, 60 mm.

1783, Death of Diedrich Deiman

1783, death of Diedrich Deiman, Lutheran minister: mortuary monument with sun and cypresses:Vivit post funera virtus/ de deugd leeft na de dood (virtue is still alive after death).Subscription: J.M.Lageman fecit. Reverse: coat of arms: Ioh.annes Died.ericus Deiman. V.erbi D.ivini M.inister Aet.ate LI. Ob.iit IX.Apr.ilis MDCCLXXXIII/Johannes Diedrich Deiman minister of the Word, deceased in the age of 51 years old on April the 9th 1783. Revered Deiman was born in 1732 in Hage in Ostfriesland (Germany). He was an Amsterdam pastor from 1779 – 1783, before that appointment he was a minister in Utrecht. His first wife, Mrs A.P van Uggelen deceased in 1778 in Utrecht and was buried there. Reverend Deiman was buried in the same place. A commemoration medal on the occasion of his wife’s death was issued (see Utrecht). Medallist: J.M.Lageman, bronze, 39,5 mm.

1783, Death of Jan Hendrik Vorstius

1783, death of Jan Hendrik Vorstius, Lutheran minister: mortuary monument with sun and cipresses:Vivit post funera virtus/ de deugd leeft na de dood (virtue is still alive after death).Suscript: J.M.Lageman fecit. reverse: coat of arms: Io.annes Henr.icus Vorstius.V.erbi D.ivini M.inister Aet.ate XLIII. Ob.iit XIII.Mart.ii MDCCLXXXIII,/ Johannes Henricus Vorstius, minister of the Word, deceased in the age of 43 years old on March 13th 1783. Reverend Vorstius was born in 1740 in the city of Cleve (Germany). He was an Amsterdam pastor from 1775-1783, before that appointment he was a minister in the Hague. Medallist: J.M.Lageman, silver and bronze, 39,5 mm.

1922, Gotthilf Julius Wiesinger

1922, Gotthilf Julius Wiesinger, 30 years minister of the Evangelical-Lutheran congregation of Amsterdam: pulpit with bible: Jes 55:10&11, and 2 Cor 5: 19&20, Reverse: garland: May the 15th 1892-1922, G.F.J.Wiesinger Amsterdam Romer 1-16 (Romans). Medallist: Chris van der Hoef C.J van der Hoef made this medal in 1922 for celebrating ministers. With this engraving only 1 silver and 3 bronze medals exists, 41 mm.

1743, 80th Birthday of Hendrik Issendorp

1743, commemoration of the 80th birthday of Hendrik Issendorp: Father Time with scythe, above Amsterdam and the number 80. Reverse: Onse leeven Duurt ’t ZeeventigJaar: Wanneer het hoog komt: Soo zijn ’t tachentig Jaar: ende Wanneer ’t kostelijk geweest is, Soo is het moeyte ende Arbeijd geweest: Want het vaart snel weg, als Vloogen Wij Daar van. Psalm 90 ver: 10.( The days of our life are seventy years, or perhaps eighty, if we are strong; even then their span is only toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away). silver, engraved. Since 1719 Issendorp was an elder of the Lutheran Congregation of Amsterdam. There is also a medal of his marriage.

1708, Death of Henricus Vos

1708, death of Henricus Vos, Lutheran minister: mortuary monument, on each side a female figure: Aeterna memoria sacra/ ter eeuwige heilige gedachtenis (eternal commemoration). On the foot his coat of arms with a fox: Inevitabile fatum/het niet te vermijden (nood)lot ( fate not to overcome). Legend:Ter gedachtenisse van do Henricus Vos, geboore den 17 aug.ustus 1642, overleden 5 nov.ember 1708 t Amst.erdam (In remembrance Reverend Henricus Vos, born on August the 17th 1642, deceased November the 5th 1708 in Amsterdam). Reverse: 10-lines: De godtsdienst, in de ziel verslagen, betreurt, haar waarste borstklenoot, haar VOS, haar troost, haar welbehagen, gevoert van d’aarde in Abrams schoot (Religion defeated in his soul, mourns her jewel, her VOS, her comfort and pleasure, led from the earth in Abrams lap) silver and bronze, 44,5 mm.

1678, Death of Casparis Caspari

1678, death of Casparis Caspari, clerk of the Evangelisch-Lutherse Kerk in Amsterdam: two skeletons and a putto with oil lamp, subscription: You, as friends interred me, will accept this in my honour. Legend: Ter gedachtenis van Mr Casparis Caspari, voorSanger van de Augsburgse Confessie van hem bedient 19 Jaere/ oud Synde 79 Jaeren. In den Heere gerust den 15 Maert Ao 1678 (In commemoration of mister Casparis Caspari, clerk of the church of the Augsburg Confession in office for 19 years/ on the age of 79 years. Rested in the Lord, march the 15th 1678): Gedenck te sterven(Remember you must die) Reverse: On banner: Salich sijn de dooden die in den Heere sterven want sij rusten van hare Arbeit (Blessed the dead people who died in the Lord, they will rest in peace). Skull and bones, scythe, hourglass, putti and the deceased: Mijn Lichaam dat nu rust/ sal wederom verijsen/ en met mijn Siel vereent/ mijn Heilant eeuwig prijsen (My resting body, will be resurrected and united with my soul, praise my Saviour for always). Medallist: O.Wouter Müller, silver 81×71 mm.

1918, Plaque of the exterior of the hospital

1918, Plaque of the exterior of the hospital. Medallist: Jacob Jan van Goor, silver and bronze, 125×65 mm

2009, Centennial of the Lutherhof

2009, centennial of the Lutherhof: exterior of the Staringplein-building. Legend: Lutherhof Amsterdam. Logo of the Evangelisch-Lutherse Gemeente and Diaconie. Reverse: Interior of the courtyard: 2 juli 1909 – 2009. Medallist: Christina San Martin Geijo, silver, 35 mm.

Token for the poor

w.y. token for the poor: Luthersche.Diaconie.Huys (Lutheran parish house), with D, reverse, blanco, lead,34 mm.

1972, Swan to the left

1972, medal for reward of the parish house: swan to the left.: Zegel van ‘t Luthersche Diaconiehuis te Amsterdams (Seal of the Lutheran parish house), reverse: blanco. Medallist: C.J.Begeer, silver and bronze 35 mm.

1972, Centennial celebration parish house 1972

1972, Bicentennial celebration parish house: Centennial celebration parish house 1972: Herdenking inwijding 13 jan 1772 (Commemoration of the inauguration Jan. 13th 1772. Luthersche Diaconiehuis te Amsterdam. Reverse: swan to l.t: Zegel van ‘t Luthersche Diaconiehuis te Amsterdams (Seal of the Lutheran parish house), Medallist: C.J.Begeer, bronze 35 mm.

1872, Centennial celebration parish house

1872, Centennial celebration parish house: Ter herinnering aan het honderdjarig bestaan van het Evang.Luth.Diac.Wees Oude Mannen en Vrouwenhuis te Amsterdam, 13 jan 1772 – 15 jan 1872 ( Commemorating the centennial of the Evangelical Lutheran Parish Orphan, Old Men- and Women house Amsterdam, January 13th 1772- January 15th 1872). Reverse: Angel protects child en donates money for two old people: Spreuken 9:11 ‘Door mij, Wijsheid, vermeerderen de dagen van je leven, je levensjaren nemen door mij toe.’ Proverbs 9:11, For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life. Medallist: Vries Jr, bronze 38 mm.

1772, Inauguration of the Lutheran parish house front of the building

1772, Inauguration of the Lutheran parish house: front of the building: Luthersche Diaconiehuis te Amsterdam. Volbouwd 1771 ingewyd d 13 jan 1772 (Lutheran parish house Amsterdam, built 1771, inaugurated January 13th 1772), with the names of the first six trustees: Joh. Hilkes. Ian. Peyse/Joh. Muller. E.W.Iacobi/Hend. Molkenboer/Iac.Ebeling. Religion, to the l. in the clouds, background the Round Lutheran Church, to the r. Thankfullness. Medallist: B.C. van Calker, silver, 35 mm.

1772, Inauguration of the Lutheran parish house

1772. Inauguration of the Lutheran parish house: front of the building: Luthersche Diaconiehuis te Amsterdam. Volbouwd 1771 ingewyd d 13 jan 1772 (Lutheran parish house Amsterdam, built 1771, inaugurated janaury 13th 1772), reverse: Religion, to the l. in the clouds, background the Round Lutheran Church, to the r. Thankfullness. Medallist: B.C. van Calker, silver, 35 mm.

1770, Inauguration of the Lutheran parish house

1770. Inauguration of the Lutheran parish house: front of the building: Annue.ente Mag.istratu Amst.elico Votis Liberalitatique Augsb:urgicorum Aedific.ium Cond.itum Ann.o1770 /Terwijl de Amsterdamse vroedschap door een mild besluit goedkeuring schonk. Het gebouw der Augsburgers gesticht in het jaar 1770. (The Amsterdam council approved by generous decision. The building by the Augsburgians was founded in the year 1770 . CEL (celebratum/gevierd/celebrated), the date January 13th 1771 is not correct. The building was inaugurated in 1772, reverse: Charity between old man, woman and child. Gloriatur adversus damnationem misericordia /de barmhartigheid roemt tegen het oordeel/ charity boasts against judgment. (Jac.2:13 ‘Onbarmhartig zal het oordeel zijn over wie geen barmhartigheid heeft bewezen; maar de barmhartigheid overwint het oordeel.’/ For judgment will be without mercy to anyone who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.) Medallist: C.F. Konse, silver 34 mm.

1770, Construction of the Evangelical-Lutheran Almshouse at the Weesperveld

1770. Construction of the Evangelical-Lutheran Almshouse at the Weesperveld: front of the building: Pauperum Confugium/toevlucht der armen (Refuge of the poor). Acrematocomium Lutheranorum Conditum MDCCLLX /Bestedelingenhuis der Lutheranen, gesticht 1770, Almshouse of the Lutherans, founded 1770), reverse: Religion, the Bible and the Cross: Pietate Senatus Amstelod.amensis /Door de liefdadigheid van de raad van Amsterdam.(By charity of the city council of Amsterdam): Ecclesia Lutheran.orum Suffulta et Defensa/is de Lu¬therse kerk tot stichting van dit huis ondersteund en be¬schermd? (The Lutheran Church is supported by this foundation). T.V.Berckel F.ecit. Medallist: Theodorus van Be¬rc¬kel, silver, 39 mm.

1997, Van Brants Rus Hofje Courtyard of the almshouse

1997, Van Brants Rus Hofje: Courtyard of the almshouse, founded by Christoffel van Brants, in 1732: Van Brants Rus Hofje. reverse: coat of arms of Christoffel van Brants given to him in 1717 by Csar Peter the Great of Russia, silver, 38 mm.

Lutheran orphanage lead

Token w.y. Lutheran orphanage, with stamped S, lead, 34 mm

2008, Celebration of 330 years Lutheran Orphanage

2008, Celebration of 330 years Lutheran Orphanage: swan to the l. Legend : 330 jaar Ev.Luthers Diac.Weeshuis Amsterdam, 27 april 2008, reverse: Jan Geerkenshuis, on the courtyard of the former orphanage at the Lauriergracht, legend: ’T Luth:Diac:Weeshuys. Gesticht MDCLXXVIII. silver 45 mm.

1778, Love, woman with two orphans

1778, Centennial of the Lutheran Parish Orphanage: View of the building from the garden: legend ‘t Luth.ersche Diac.onie Weeshuis: Gesticht MDCLXXVIII/ 1e jubile gevierd 24 aug:1778, (The Lutheran Parish Orphanage, founded MDCLXXVIII, First jubilee celebrated, August 24th 1778), reverse: Love, woman with two orphans, column with C (100) date 1778. Legend: Hij is der weezen vader; ter gedachtenis aan de weezen uytgedeeld ( He is the father of the orphans. In commemoration of the centenary handed over to the children), Medallists: Carel Frederik Konse and Johannes Michiel Lageman, gold and silver, 28 en 34 mm.

1778, View of the building from the garden

1778, Centennial of the Lutheran Parish Orphanage: View of the building from the garden: legend ‘t Luth.ersche Diac.onie Weeshuis: Gesticht MDCLXXVIII(The Lutheran Parish Orphanage, founded MDCLXXVIII), reverse: Column with scripture: Ebenhaezer (Until here the Lord has given us support). Putto symbolizing time, hung a C (: hundred years) with the snake Ouroboros. With swan, coat of arms of the city of Amsterdam, and a scythe, legend: Op het eerste jubile, geviert in Amst:sterdam, 24 aug. 1778 ( on the first jubilee, celebrated in Amsterdam, August 24th 1778. Medallist: Johannes Michiel Lageman, silver, 25 mm.

1778, Centennial of the Lutheran Parish Orphanage

1778, Centennial of the Lutheran Parish Orphanage: front of the orphanage, legend: Het Luthersche Diac.Weeshuis in Amsterdam, gest.(icht) 1678. ( The Lutheran orphanage, founded 1678. Suscription: Rebuilt 1757. Reverse: Love, woman with two orphans, column with C (100) date 1778. Legend: Ter gedagt:enis van dit eeuwfeest aan de kinderen uytg:ereikt.( in commemoration of the centenery handed over to the children), silver 25 mm

1778, Centennial of the Lutheran Parish Orphanage

1778, Centennial of the Lutheran Parish Orphanage: front of the orphanage, legend: Het Luthersche weeshuis, gest.icht 1678 ( The Lutheran orphanage, founded 1678. Subscription: Rebuilt 1757. Reverse: Column with scripture: Ebenhaezer (Until here the Lord has given us support). Putto symbolizing time, hung a C (: hundred years) with the snake Ouroboros. With swan, coat of arms of the city of Amsterdam, and a scythe, legend: Op het eerste jubile, geviert in Amst:sterdam, 24 aug. 1778 ( on the first jubilee, celebrated in Amsterdam, August 24th 1778. Medallist: Carel Frederik Konse, gold and silver, 25 mm.

1994, Memorial plaque of the church with swan

1994, Rebuilding the New Lutheran church. Memorial plaque of the church with swan, June 28th 1994 designed by Harry Donga, copper, 100x100mm.

1826, Rebuilding the New Lutheran church

1826, Rebuilding the New Lutheran church: bust of Martin Luther to the r. born 10th of November 1483, died 18th of February 1546, reverse: 9 lines: De Nieuwe Luthersche Kerk te Amsterdam afgebrand den 18 sept. 1822.Prachtiger herbouwd en ingewijd den 18 sept. 1826.( The New Lutheran Church burnt down September 18th 1822, More beautifully rebuilt and inaugurated on September 18th 1826), gold, silver, bronze and pewter, 30 mm.

1826, Rebuilding the New Lutheran church

1826, Rebuilding the New Lutheran church. Memorial plaque, commissioned by H.Westhoff Jr, engraved by A.Bemme Az.. The newly rebuilt church and three lines of scripture. First line: Haggaï 2 Vs 19 – De heerlijkheid van dit laatste huis zal grooter worden dan die van ‘t eerste geweest is/ spreekt de HEERe Zebaoth/ en ik zal vrede geven aan deze plaats. The latter splendor of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts; and in this place I will give prosperity, says the LORD of hosts. Second line: Nu wordt dit koper GOUD, door ‘t melden van den tijd./ Dat ROLL, als Hemeltolk, deez’ kerk heeft ingewijd. ‘t VerheVen ‘t kVnstrIJk stIft, traCht nVttIg Werk te Wekken/ ZIJ grIfte ‘t In ‘t MetaaL, ‘t WeLk ‘t FraaI geboVW bLijft Dekken. ( Now this copper becomes gold, only by mentioning the time, when Roll (Lutheran minister), as a messenger from above, this church dedicated to the service. The engraving-needle engraved in the metal that covers the church). Third line: De Luthersche Nieuwe kerk te Amsterdam, afgebrand den 18 September 1822, wederherbouwd: de Inwijding gevierd den 18 September 1826. (The Lutheran New Church, burnt down September 18th 1822, rebuilt and inaugurated on September 18th 1826), Hendrik Westhoff Junior Inv. octagonal copper W&G T London, 26, 105×120 mm.

1998, Celebration of the 50-th anniversary

1998, Celebration of the 50-th anniversary of the World Council of Churches in the Old Lutheran church at the Spui in Amsterdam: Ecumenical symbol, ship with cross 1948-1998, reverse: exterior of the Old Lutheran church, silver and base, 40 mm.

2008, Celebration of the 375th anniversary of the Old Lutheran church

2008, Celebration of the 375th anniversary of the Old Lutheran church; interior after an engraving by Caspar Philips, logo of the Amsterdam Lutheran Congregation 1633-2008, reverse: exterior of the Old Lutheran church, silver and base, 40 mm.

1822, Fire in the New Lutheran Church

1822, Fire in the New Lutheran Church: exterior of the church as it was build in 1671, reverse: the ruins of the burnt church, gold and silver, 24,4 mm

1822, Amsterdam, fire in the Lutheran New Church

Squaere Copper plat from the cuppola. Engraved: : LK (Lutheran Church) AFGEB:, D18SEPT 1822. (copper, 30x30x1 mm, from the Hassoldt collection)

1822, Stamped copper from the cuppola

1822, Fire in the New Lutheran Church, stamped copper from the cuppola of the church with two pictures of the church in 1671 and the ruins in 1822, copper 30×40 mm

1952, Reunion of the two Lutheran Churches

1952, Reunion of the two Lutheran Churches: Old Lutheran church on the Spui and the Restored Lutheran church on the Kloveniersburgwal, reverse: seal of the Dutch congregations under the Augsburg Confession. Lily between thorns (Song of Songs 2:2). Legend: Sigil.lum sub.Aug.sburgo Confe.ssiones

1816, Amsterdam

1816 Commemoration medal of Johanna Catharina Van Ross, born De Schubert (1763-1814) Front side: Bust of Johanna Catharina Van Ross tot the left. Struck by a flash of lightning, symbol of her sudden death. Legend: In magnis voluisse sat est. (In big cases is willing enough). Back side: Legend: Het/Vaderland/helpen bevryden/ en menschenrampen/verminderen/was het beroep waarin/zy stierf. (To liberate and trying to avoid human disasters was the calling in which she died). On the top side two stars with A and FW. Alexander I of Russia and Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia. Left and right of the pyramid with the Dutch Lion are the Russian two-headed eagle and the Prussian single-headed eagle. On the pyramid the All seeying eye of God and the balance. Six banners: vertrouwen, religie, volharding, moed, offer, eendragt. (Trust, religion, perseverance, courage, sacrifice, unity) Johanna Catharina de Schubert was born in Nijmegen and baptised in the Lutheran Church. She married Johannes Matthias Ross, son of a minister (Probably Reformed) born in Isselburg (Dld), sha gave birth to a son. Her husband was director of the Dutch Society of Sciences in Haarlem. After her husband died, she remarried with the lutheran Pieter Willem Motte in Amsterdam. She herself mentions herself as Reformed. During her years in Warsaw in Poland she cares about the returning Dutch soldiers out of Napoleons army in Russia. It is exactly the text of the medal that is written on the memorialstone on the Lutheran burial site in Diemen, next to Amsterdam. So she is returned tot the faith of her youth. Medallist: Daniël Friedrich Loos, Berlijn (silver, 37 mm)


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